Everyone who works with your company or site. We have an exhaustive database or add your own.


How to add vendors


  1. Navigate to the Vendors creation page:
  2. Enter Vendor Information (First, try to find your vendor in our extensive database. If you cannot find it, please fill out the information manually.)
  3. Review and Submit:


Let's talk about how to add vendors. You can see vendors are listed as one of the three stakeholders for any given site. Let's go ahead and go back to our test site. As you can see, here's our information for the test site. We're going to go ahead and click for vendors. Here you can see that only one vendor is listed. So on the top right, we're going to click add new vendor. Sometimes you'll be able to select a vendor that you've already added to another site, they would populate here in this drop down menu. For the sake of today, we'll be adding a new one. And following our code, we'll call it test 123. We can select the type of vendor it is a processor, a micro hauler, a specialty waste, a waste auditor, etc. For today, we'll say that test 123 is a hauler, we can go ahead and scroll down and enter their phone number and their email Test 123 Test we can go ahead and enter their contract information. Perhaps we've had this contract with them since 2017. We don't need to add an end date since we're currently in contract with them. We can also at this time, enter multiple sites. Perhaps we also use test 123 at Smith Hall and pristine court in addition to New London Hall. Oh, can't forget about 55th Avenue. We can add all sites there and again here any special notes. When we are completed we can go ahead and press the black button with the white letters Add at the bottom right of the screen. And we can see the new vendor has been added successfully and the information is now here listed under venue. It also lists out the site's the email address the phone number and if there was an end date, the end date would appear here.

