A waste audit is a powerful tool that goes beyond simply measuring waste quantities. It provides a detailed understanding of the materials in the waste stream, enabling organizations to make informed decisions and implement targeted strategies for a more sustainable and efficient waste management system.

✍️This audit guide was written by the team at WATS (Waste Administration and Tracking Software) www.getwats.com

We commend you for taking an interest in this strong step toward waste reduction! If you would rather have a waste professional conduct this audit for you, you can reach out to Common Ground Compost at [email protected].

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Why Waste Audits are Important:

The what and why of conducting a Waste Audit

Conducting a waste audit is a systematic process that provides valuable insights into the composition of a waste stream and helps identify opportunities for improvement. Here's how it works:

  1. Material Identification:

    <aside> 🚨 By recording the results, you can identify specific materials that make up the majority of the waste streams and identify opportunities for change.


  2. Data Collection:

  3. Analysis of Results:

  4. Identifying Opportunities for Improvement:

  5. Developing Action Plans:

  6. Continuous Improvement:

  7. Environmental and Economic Benefits:

Time Estimate: